Welcome to My Community

Hi, I’m Jacquie.  I’ve been a student of health and wellness for over 40 years.  My journey started when I struggled with weight as an adolescent.  My addictive cravings soon propelled me into a downward spiral of disordered eating, nicotine, recreational drugs, and alcohol abuse.  While I enjoyed a successful career in fashion and eventually as a corporate director, I always made time in my hectic travel schedule to attend courses and read voraciously.  I am a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I attended the Health Coach Institute, and I continue to complete numerous courses in nutrition, neuroscience, fitness, and stress management.  In my years of studying, I developed my own program to transform my health and my life.  Alcohol-free for over six years, I am healthier, more energetic, more physically fit, and far happier today at 60 than I was in my 20s.  I love helping clients obtain the same results!

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